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You can use it starting the day after the activation date.

To benefit from the roadside assistance services you need to call the Service Center at 800.108.108 (or 02- and advise:

  • your personal data;
  • a phone number where you can be reached;
  • the card code that you find on your Telepass App or on the website Customer Secured Area;
  • the vehicle make, model and number plate linked to the Telepass device for which the roadside assistance has been activated (the number plate needs to correspond to one of the two number plates associated with the Telepass contract);
  • the type of service requested.

The Service Center, once the customer has been identified and the service validity verified, will communicate an authorization code (Dossier Number) that you will refer to in order to use the requested service. Keep in mind that without the Dossier Number it's not possible to use the free mechanical assistance.

By activating Roadside Assistance - Italy you can take advantage of free mechanical assistance on Italian roads and highways, whenever you need it.

You can also benefit from:

  • a replacement vehicle in case of breakdown;
  • passenger transport costs;
  • a 10% discount on the repair of your car in partner garages;
  • any accommodation costs.

For more information click here.