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Memo Service


We’re here to remind you of all your important vehicle-related deadlines!
Memo Service

Say goodbye to missed vehicle-related deadlines

Our app notifies you of all your important deadlines! Just activate the Reminders service on your app to track all your vehicle-related dates and events. Reminders will tell you when it’s time to renew your motor insurance, book your vehicle inspections, and pay your car tax.

No more juggling calendars – Reminders has got your back!

The Reminders service – How it works

Open app
Activate Reminders to manage vehicle-related deadlines.
Register your vehicles
Confirm, edit, or add number plates in the app.
Get travelling
Travel worry-free and never miss a deadline again.

Are you a Telepass customer?

Actvate the Reminders service in your app to never miss a vehicle-related deadline again!


How can we help?

Based on data sent by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Memo service automatically shows expiration dates related to your car, such as road tax, RC Auto Insurance, etc. limited to license plates associated with your Telepass device.

If you see outdated license plates, you may modify them by yourself using the specific license plate change function available in the App or in the Reserved Area of the site. Following this update, the Memo service will show you the deadlines related to the new vehicles.

If you notice outdated deadlines, you may change the date of a single deadline from the specific "change dates" function in the Memo section.

The Memo service, available for free on the Telepass App and Telepass Pay X, allows you with a simple click to keep a close eye on the most important car deadlines, such as road tax, RC Auto Insurance and car inspection.

Additionally, within this section you can find all the information on how to access Area B in Milan.

You can activate the Memo service for free through the Telepass App and Telepass Pay X by clicking on the section with the same name and accepting the Rules and Service Conditions.