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Our services

Take a look at the services included in our plans

Nota legale: i servizi Autostrada, Parcheggi Convenzionati, Area C Milano e Traghetto Stretto di Messina sono prestati in regime di esenzione ai sensi dell’Articolo 3, paragrafo 1, lett. k) della Dir. 25/11/2015, n. 2015/2366 relativa ai servizi di pagamento nel mercato interno.

Scarica l’app Telepass

Viaggia, guida, muoviti dove e come vuoi.


How can we help?

  • From the Telepass Pay or Telepass Pay X App select the Fuel Service by clicking on the "Refuel" tab;
  • Geolocate yourself and then select the distributor closest to you. Make sure to check the payment method, since you can pay to refuel in two ways: either with the Telepass Pay App or with the Telepass Device;
  • Simply refuel and at the end you will find the transaction recorded directly in your App.

  • Select the Street Parking service on the App;
  • use the geolocation to find your postion, or select the area using the area code from the vertical signage or insert the address manually;
  • select or insert the parked number plate;
  • type in the duration of your stop;
  • 10 minutes before the duration of your stop expires, an alert will consent you to either prolongue or end your stop and to pay only for the actual time used;
  • the amount of the stop will be directly debited to the payment account.

  • Access the App and click on "Pay the stamp";
  • check the stamp expiration for the number plates associated with your contract;
  • select the number plate and the type of vehicle for which you want to pay the stamp;
  • check the amount and pay your stamp directly in the App;
  • you can download the payment receipt from the transaction archive of your App or from the Reserved Area on the website.