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EV Charging

Charge your electric vehicle at affiliated charging stations using your app.
EV Charging

Ricaricare l’auto è facile

Il servizio Ricarica Elettrica ti permette di trovare in modo rapido la stazione convenzionata più vicina per fare il pieno di energia in tutta Italia direttamente dall’App.

È disponibile con le offerte Plus e Telepass Pay X.

The EV Charging service – How it works

Open app
Find an affiliated charging station near you using the location feature in your app and book a charging point if required.
Charge your vehicle
Tap “Ricarica” in the app to activate the charging point. You then have 2 minutes to connect the cable first to your car and then the charging point.
You’re good to go!
Tap “Termina Ricarica” in the app to stop charging and remove the cable first from the charging point and then from your car.

I costi della ricarica elettrica con Telepass

Ecco le tariffe a consumo per tutte le stazioni di ricarica con i nostri partner:

Colonnine HPC oltre 100kW
Colonnine DC 50-99kW
Colonnine AC fino a 49kW

Con Acea Innovation, Be Charge, Duferco ed Enel X Way puoi prenotare in anticipo la postazione di ricarica.

Leggi i costi delle prenotazioni e delle penali.

Badge Sostenibilità Servizi Telepass

Creating a sustainable future

We’re committed to fostering a newer, greener, and more conscious way to travel.


How can we help?

The icons display the charging point’s status:

  • green icon: the charging point is free and you can charge your vehicle,
  • red icon: the charging point is in use or out of order,
  • blue icon: the charging point where you’re charging your vehicle,
  • yellow icon: the charging point is being installed and is not yet active.

To stop charging your vehicle before it is fully charged, tap “Termina ricarica” in your app. Once the charging session has stopped, remove the cable first from the charging station and then from your vehicle. Always stop the charging session in the app before you remove the charging cable.

Make sure you have your charging cable.
Once you’re at the charging station, pick a charging point from the app by tapping “Scegli connettore”.
The charging point is activated and you have 2 minutes to connect your cable first to your vehicle and then to the charging point.