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Everything you need to know

With the Telepass App you can activate the Strait of Messina Ferry service and take Caronte & Tourist ferries to cross the strait directly with your device, without getting out of the car. Find out how to view amounts and invoices, who to contact in case of issues and service costs.

To receive an invoice related to the Telepass ferry service, you need to request one before boarding, by filling out the form in the "support" section.

In regards to the payment service for Strait of Messina ferry tickets - exclusively for ships owned by Caronte & Tourist - Telepass employs a highly specialized technology that can correctly classify the vehicle entering the dedicated Telepass track, apply the rate set by the ferry operator, and even calculate any applicable discount to outward and return journeys.

Along with the transit fare, Caronte & Tourist charges for the Ecopass fare included in the Ordinance of the Municipality of Messina of 22/04/2011, where applicable. By paying with the Telepass device, the Ecopass fare is based on the residential address of the Telepass contract holder.

If you are a Telepass Family or Business customer, the Ferry service is already active, at no additional cost.

You can disable the service at any time from your Reserved Area on the site in the "Services" section.

Customers affiliated with associations and service companies, however, need to request activation through their partners.

You can see the ferry ticket amount displayed on the column in the Telepass track and on the ticket that you collect from the same column.

Additionally, details of individual crossings completed with Telepass are always available on the Telepass App and in the Reserved Area of the site.

The service has no additional costs.

The ticket payment service to travel on the Strait of Messina Ferry using the Telepass device is reserved for:

  • Telepass Family customers;
  • Telepass customers with Viacard;
  • Telepass customers with Viacard through associations and service companies.

The following cannot access the service: customers with rechargeable Telepass and Europass customers.

If you have a discount loyalty card with Caronte & Tourist , you need to request to the manager that your card number is linked to the Telepass device number.

The service deactivation implies that you won't be able to pay the Messina Strait crossing through the Telepass device. Moreover, it implies that also the Parking service will be deactivated.

Whenever the amount does not correspond to what was established by the ferry company , you must go to the ticket office and request a new ticket with the correct amount. The calculation, processing and application of the service rate it is exclusive competence of the ferry company.