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Our management

Building a future together


Andrea Mangoni
Andrea Mangoni

Andrea Mangoni has been CEO of Mundys since May 1, 2023. Born in Terni in 1963, after graduating with a degree in economic sciences from the University of Rome, he began his career at the Inter-American Development Bank.

In 1995, he joined Acea as Head of Finance, subsequently holding the position of Chief of Strategy and, starting in 2001, that of CFO. In 2009, he was Group CFO and Operational President of Telecom Italia Sparkle. In 2012, he assumed the role of General Director of International Operations of Telecom Italia and was CEO of Tim Brazil. President and CEO of Sorgenia from 2013 to 2015, subsequently assuming the role of General Director of Fincantieri. In 2016, he was appointed CEO of doValue S.p.A., a company listed in the STAR segment of Euronext Milan and the main operator in Southern Europe in the management of credit and property portfolios deriving from impaired loans. Within the doValue Group, he was also President of the Board of Directors of doNext S.p.A. and President of Altamira Asset Management S.A. From April 2022 to January 2023 was a member of the Board of Directors of Atlantia S.p.A.

Our management

Our management was established with several goals in mind: ensure the Group is moving in the right direction, coordinate and monitor the Group’s activities, and ensure management strategies are aligned across the Group.

The Telepass management is made up of the following members:

Luca Luciani
Luca Luciani
Chief Executive Officer

After graduating in Economics from LUISS University in Rome, Luciani began his career at Procter & Gamble, the American consumer products multinational company. From 1994 to 1997 he worked at Bain & Co. - a leading US management consultancy - before joining Enel as Group Controller.

From 1999 to 2012, he held increasingly senior positions at Telecom Italia Group, becoming responsible for the entire Mobile business unit (known as TIM). His last position in Telecom Italia Group, was as CEO of the subsidiary TIM Brasil, for which he oversaw the company turnaround. As advisor for the financial company Fintech Group in the acquisition of TIM’s Argentine business, Luciani offered is experience in the TMT (Technology, Media and Telecom) sector to leading international companies. Founder and general manager of Boldyn Networks Italy from 2022 to 2023, one of the largest neutral host providers in the world, he comes from Cellnex, the main European operator of wireless telecommunications infrastructure, where he held the position of CEO for the Italian market.

Aldo Agostinelli
Aldo Agostinelli
Chief Consumer Sales & Marketing Officer

Aldo Agostinelli is well known for his expertise in marketing and digital innovation. Having fulfilled important national and international managerial roles, he worked as the Digital Marketing Director of HP in San Francisco. He was also an Adjunct Professor at the University of San Francisco. Before joining Telepass, he was the Digital Officer of Sky Italia and the Vice President of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Italy. He has published two books with the publishing house Mondadori: “People are Media” and “Bling”. Aldo Agostinelli joined Telepass in October 2021 as the Chief Sales and Marketing Officer.

Pietro Cereda
Pietro Cereda
Chief Business Development Officer

Graduated in Business and Economics, with an Executive from IESE Business School in Barcelona, Pietro has gained experience in the consulting and industry world. After more than a decade spent between Accenture, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants and McKinsey & Co., in 2010 he joined the Luxottica Group where he enjoyed international exposure taking on important roles in the areas of Business Development, Wholesale, Commercial Services & Strategy and Global Channels. After supporting customers in Italy and abroad as an advisor, in October 2020 he took on the role of Chief Consumer Officer at Telepass.

Luca Daniele
Luca Daniele
Chief Financial Officer

Luca Daniele graduated with honours in economics and commerce and has a master’s degree in business administration. He has significant experience in the finance sector in Italy and abroad as the CFO of Atlantia Group’s Italian and foreign subsidiaries. He has overseen, as the Telepass CFO since 2016, M&A and corporatization operations crucial to the evolution of the Group. One such operation is the creation of Telepass Pay, of which he was named CEO in 2019. Following the corporate merger of Telepass Pay with Telepass in April 2022, Luca Daniele was appointed as General Manager, Head of Telepass Assets, in addition to his position as CFO.

Marco Gaeta
Marco Gaeta
Chief Operating Officer e Group CTO

Laureato in Informatica presso l'Università "La Sapienza" di Roma e con un Master in Business Administration presso la Scuola di Management "ALMA" di Bologna, Marco Gaeta ha maturato una vasta esperienza in ambito tecnologico e manageriale, operando in aziende internazionali leader nei settori delle telecomunicazioni, media, trasporti e finanza.

Con un background consolidato nella gestione della trasformazione aziendale, ha iniziato la carriera in Accenture e successivamente ha ricoperto posizioni di leadership presso AXA Partners, Sirti e Alcatel-Lucent, guidando importanti iniziative di innovazione e ristrutturazione.

Ha ricoperto ruoli di crescente responsabilità, quali Head of ICT presso Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, implementando una strategia cloud e progetti di trasformazione digitale; e dal 2022 al 2024 è stato Chief Innovation, Digital Transformation & Operation presso Simest, dove ha realizzato una completa strategia di digitalizzazione, riducendo i costi IT del 30% e migliorando la produttività del 23%.

Oggi, nel Gruppo Telepass, ricopre il ruolo di Chief Operating Officer e Group CTO, dove gestisce oltre 300 risorse e guida l'evoluzione tecnologica e la sicurezza informatica del Gruppo.

Raffaelle Lillo
Raffaele Lillo
Chief Data & Insurance Officer

Formatosi tra Roma (LUISS), Londra (London School of Economics), Milano e Chicago (International MBA Program della SDA Bocconi); Raffaele da ottobre 2022 è Chief Data Officer di Telepass. Proviene dalla compagnia assicurativa francese Axa dove, per quattro anni, ha ricoperto il medesimo incarico. In precedenza ha fatto parte del team per la Trasformazione Digitale del Governo Italiano, sotto la guida del manager Diego Piacentini. Sposato, padre di una bimba e di un bimbo, Raffaele ha maturato esperienze sia in ambito accademico sia aziendale, in Italia e all’estero (Inghilterra e Stati Uniti).

Paolo Malerba
Paolo Malerba
Chief Business Sales Officer

Oltre 18 anni di esperienza nello sviluppo vendite a livello internazionale alla guida di canali di distribuzione sia diretti che indiretti con focus specifico sul mercato B2B. Elevata capacità di gestione e organizzazione dei team orientati al raggiungimento degli obiettivi aziendali, gestione di progetti trasversali complessi, miglioramento della customer experience e della fedelta del cliente. Laureato in ingegneria gestionale presso Universita di Roma “Tor Vergata”, master in Marketing Management, Malerba ha maturato esperienza e crescita professionale all’interno del gruppo Mundys ricoprendo diversi ruoli nell’ambito della Qualità, del Marketing e Sales. Da ottobre 2021 è Chief Business Sales Officer di Telepass.

Lucia Strusi
Lucia Strusi
Chief People Officer

Laureata in Scienze Politiche alla Luiss di Roma, ha maturato esperienze diversificate nell’ambito delle Risorse umane in alcune delle più grandi multinazionali a livello globale. Dopo una prima esperienza in Fendi, è entrata nel mondo delle telecomunicazioni con Vodafone, dove diventa HR Business Partner Corporate Function. Nel 2015 è approdata in Amazon in qualità di HR Business Partner Amazon Italia Customer, per poi passare al settore Beauty & Cosmetics in L’Oréal Italy, azienda in cui ha svolto il ruolo di HR Director Consumer Products Division e, infine, approdare in GSK Consumer Healthcare, in qualità HR Lead Italy, Greece and Israel.
Nel febbraio 2021, è entrata a far parte della squadra Telepass e dal marzo 2023 ricopre il ruolo di Chief People Officer.


Vanessa Capogrosso
Vanessa Capogrosso

Head of Corporate Affairs


General Manager - Patrimonio Destinato 

Francesco M. Cenci
 M. Cenci

Head of Italy & EU tolling


Head of Legal Affairs


Head of External Relations & Strategic Communication


Chief of Compliance


Chief Internal Auditor & Risk Officer