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Telepass Pay X

Everything you need to know

L’offerta Telepass Pay X nclude il canone del dispositivo Telepass (3,76 € invece di 3,90 € al mese per chi aderisce entro il 31/12/2024, leggi il regolamento), il canone dei servizi di pagamento in app (0,74 €), la carta prepagata e il conto BNL (3,40 €). Al termine della promozione in corso, il costo totale canone del pacchetto Telepass Pay X è di 7,90 € al mese. Il canone della carta e conto BNL può essere successivamente azzerato se sei under 25, accrediti lo stipendio o spendi almeno 200 € ogni mese. Con la carta BNL è possibile effettuare la Turboricarica che consente di ricaricare immediatamente il conto BNL.

I canoni dei servizi inclusi in Telepass Pay X è pari a 7,90 € al mese salvo promozioni.

  • il canone Telepass Base (contratto Family) pari a 3,76 € IVA inclusa (invece di 3,90 € al mese) per le adesioni fino al 31/12/2024, leggi il regolamento;
  • il canone per i servizi di pagamento Telepass Pay X pari a 0,74 € IVA inclusa al mese;
  • il canone per il conto corrente e la carta BNL pari a 3,40 € IVA inclusa al mese.

Per maggiori informazioni leggi i fogli informativi dei singoli prodotti Telepass validi alla scadenza della promozione.

Sarà possibile azzerare il canone del conto e della carta BNL alle seguenti condizioni:

  • fino al compimento del 25° anno di età;
  • accredito stipendio/pensione
  • spesa con carta BNL almeno pari a 200 € (spesa rilevata nella mensilità precedente a quella di addebito del canone). Non concorrono all’azzeramento del canone le seguenti spese effettuate con le carte di debito BNL: prelievi di contante presso gli ATM, ricariche telefoniche e telericariche, addebiti relativi alle commissioni e ai costi della carta di debito (come da documentazione contrattuale di prodotto), transazioni riaccreditate, donazioni, pagamenti di sanzioni amministrative, transazioni effettuate per Money Transfer e Gambling Transaction (es. giochi online, giochi d’azzardo, scommesse online e acquisto e vendita di criptovalute ecc.).

L’attivazione/disattivazione del servizio ha effetto immediato. A partire dal 22 Aprile il prodotto Easy non sarà più attivabile.

Al termine dell’operazione riceverai conferma di quanto avvenuto all’email da te fornita in fase di adesione. A partire dal 22 Aprile il prodotto Easy non sarà più attivabile.

If you already have a Telepass contract, you can join the Telepass Pay X offer by choosing the "keep the contract" option, thus taking advantage of the 2-year free of charge offer.

If you have a Telepass Business contract and in other special cases, you will need to sign a new contract with Telepass. In this case, the 2-year free of charge offer will apply only to the new contract.

If you are already a BNL customer and a BNL account holder, when you join Telepass Pay X you can choose whether to:

  • indicate your BNL account number and link it to the Telepass Pay X services;
  • indicate your account number at another bank and link it to the Telepass Pay X services. In this case, a new BNL payment account will be opened.

Only in the latter case will you be able to activate the Turboricarica feature, the instant recharge option available in the App.

If you need to change the mobile number associated with your Telepass Pay X account, please send us a request form, providing:

  • previous mobile number;
  • new mobile number;
  • email linked to the Telepass Pay X account.

You will also need to attach an identity document. You will receive an email confirming the change.

At the end of the process, you will receive a confirmation email at the address you provided during the registration phase.

The change to the spending limits is effective immediately.

You can change your spending limits instantly from the Telepass Pay X App. From the MENU, just go to Settings and choose between different limit options: from a minimum of €500 up to a maximum of €1,500 that you can spend on your mobility services.

For more information on the maximum limits for individual services, please refer to the information sheet.

If you are a Telepass Pay X customer, you can manage your services in total autonomy using the Telepass Pay X App. To activate/deactivate your services, just access the Menu section and go to Settings.

The Turboricarica option is only available for customers who sign up for a new BNL account.

"You can reload your account as follows:

  • with a bank transfer;
  • with "Turboricarica", an instant recharge option available in the Telepass Pay X App.

If you already have a Telepass contract, in order to join the Telepass Pay X services, you need to open a new contract by providing a different mobile number than the one associated with your existing Telepass Pay contract. In this case, the 2-year free of charge offer will apply only to the new contract.

Telepass Pay X is a new payment solution in collaboration with BNL, which lets you pay all your travel and shopping charges via the Telepass Pay X App.

The plan is free for two years, and includes:

  • the Telepass device (to automatically pay tolls, parking fees, etc.) with quarterly debits from any of your current accounts,
  • payment services in the app (such as On-street Parking, Fuel, Taxis, Skipass, etc.) with immediate debit from your BNL account,
  • a BNL account to which you can add money to use Telepass Pay services and make purchases,
  • use of a prepaid card linked to the BNL account for POS and e-commerce transactions.

At the end of two years, you’ll be charged a monthly fee of €2.50 (including VAT) for Telepass Pay X.

As a Telepass Pay X customer you can have a virtual/physical prepaid card, active on the Mastercard circuit, linked to your BNL account that you can use to make your purchases in a safe, innovative way at all the retailers or websites that adhere to the Mastercard circuit in Italy and abroad.

Through the contactless technology, you will be able to make your purchases in all the stores displaying the symbol simply by approching the card to the POS and for amounts under 25 euros you won't need a PIN code.

For all online payments, in addition to the 16 digits displayed on the front of the card, you have to provide the 3 digits secuirty code CVC2 on the back of the card and the expiration date. This data is also available on the Telepass Pay X App. To make your transactions more secure, the security code is updated at each use. Also, you will be able to confirm all your purchases on all websites that participate to Mastercard ID Check using the Telepass Pay X APP in an easy and safe way.

You can withdraw cash anywhere. To manage the balance on your prepaid card there is a dedicated section on the Telepass Pay X App.

“Turboricarica” is a quick way to credit an amount to your BNL account.

Charge your account instantly with the Telepass Pay X app. Select from a range of amounts with the maximum being €150. You can spend this amount for mobility services or other purchases.

The “Turboricarica” amount will be debited from your current account within a few days.

The BNL account is an account with limited functions compared to a traditional bank account and it is strictly linked to the execution of payment transactions. The payments made with the prepaid card on the Mastercard circuit and the services offered by Telepass Pay will be debited to this account.

The BNL account allows also the Telepass Pay X customers who have an account at a different bank to have access to the offer. Download the Telepass Pay X App to view all the dedicated services.

If you already have a Telepass contract, you can join the Telepass Pay X offer by choosing the "keep the contract" option, thus taking advantage of the 2-year free of charge offer.

If you have a Telepass Business contract and in other special cases, you will need to sign a new contract with Telepass. In this case, the 2-year free of charge offer will apply only to the new contract.

Telepass Pay X is designed for natural persons with a current account, and who have activated the Telepass Base (Telepass Family contract) plan.