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Car Insurance

Everything you need to know

Budget management and policy subscription on the App.

Attraverso l'App Telepass รจ possibile acquistare polizze e garanzie accessorie con Telepass Assicura o Telepass Broker, ma solo i clienti Viacard possono richiedere l'Assicurazione RC Auto.

Tra le garanzie accessorie che potrai aggiungere alla tua polizza trovi:

  • infortuni del conducente;
  • furto e incendio;
  • tutela legale;
  • cristalli;
  • kasko collisione;
  • protezione rivalse;
  • bonus protetto.

The company will make the necessary refunds net of amounts due and required by the policy.

You can view the policy purchase directly on the Telepass App by selecting the activity list or accessing the Car Insurance - Archive section, where you can view and download the PDF document with all details.

Keep in mind that all documents are also sent to you via email.

Payment is in advance only and the coverage period is annual.

There are no additional costs.

You can purchase up to two Car Insurance policies in a month for each of your contracts.

For all information regarding the policy management, assistance or claim processing you can reach the Telepass partner agency verifying the contacts listed directly on your policy.

For more information click below.

For the Business contracts, the policy charge follows the regular cycle of the monthly billing.

Using the Telepass App, you can easily calculate the estimate and proceed with the immediate purchase simply by clicking on "Car Insurance" in the Insurances section.

Once you have purchased your policy, the Certificate and contractual documents will be sent to you via email. You will also be able to view the same documents under the "Policies Archive" section on the App.

You can always verify the Car Insurance estimate by accessing the Car Insurance section on the App - Saved Estimates Archive.

Keep in mind that the estimate can be saved 60 days prior to the policy expiration.

All Telepass Business customers with a vehicle registered to an individual can benefit of the Car Insurance service.

Through the Telepass App, you will be able to purchase a Car Insurance policy and the additional warranties for the number plates linked to your contract and related to cars, motorbikes and vans (under 35 q).

Keep in mind that the purchased policy will be issued in the name of the vehicle owner.

You can purchase the Car Insurance policy for cars, motorbikes and vans under 35 q that are listed on your contracs and are not registered under a company name but under an individual.

Keep in mind that the purchased policy is always issued under the name of the vehicle's owner.

You will be able to cancel the policy within 14 days of purchase with no need to give a reason.

After the 14th day, the insurance cover will end according to the detailed contractual conditions listed on the policy.

You will be responsible for the corresponding sum of the total taxes indicated on the insurance contract (in addition to the contribution to the National Health System in case of Car Insurance warranty) and the insurance premium accrual corresponding to the time period you benefited from the policy.

As required by law, once the estimate has been calculated, you can purchase the policy within 60 days.

Access the Telepass App and select the Car Insurance section. If your vehicle (car, motorbike or van, under 35 q) number plate is already linked to your Telepass contract:

  • you will be able to select the number plate that you want to make an estimate for, select the driving style (skilled or free style);
  • check/enter the vehicle's owner date of birth and proceed with the estimate calcualtion.
Besides the Car Insurance, you will be able to add further attached warranties.

The Car Insurance estimate calculation is based on the best possible offer available thanks to the Telepass partnership with the insurance companies.

Once your estimate has been created, it will be sent to the email associated with your Telepass contract and it will be saved on the App under the specific 'estimates archive'.